Thursday, October 15, 2009

Day 8

Greetings everyone!

So I am kind of confused as my day count and the time I have been here is not matching up, so I am going to tell you about two days and label it as one, Hope that is ok with you!

Oh the days of yestertime......So I really didn't end up doing a lot on Wednesday as I was not in the hospital I had planed to go hiking, however I received a call that the hospital was bringing people to Taipei 101 so I stuck around to go on the tour. Taipei 101 well what to say about this monstrosity......there is a lot of research going on right now claiming that this building is responsible for elevated levels of earthquakes in Taipei as the pressure from the weight is disrupting the fault lines that run underneath us...this is slightly un-nerving as I don't want my bed rockin' due to some massive building stressin' and pissin' of mother nature, than again at least my bed be hmm nevermind. There is a mall at the base that is purely escelators and rich stores like gucci armoni some guy named valan-something. I came I conquered I might go back...mostly because it was cloudy and I couldn't see a thing out of any of the windows.

After leaving Taipei 101 we went down to main station on a camera hunt as I feel my camera needs to go away, the battery life is shorter than my memory with only half the abuse. I think I really like my new camera I guess we will see how the pictures turn out over the next few days as I am heading down to central Taiwan for the weekend.

DISCLAIMER:If anyone important from my school is reading this please skip the next paragraph!

So today I skipped out of observation to go with another program to the national palace museum. This place was so amazing! It is the largest collection of Chinese artifacts dating back as far as 400A.D
Things I saw in here were unbelievable and you really couldn't help but to imagine what there life was like viewing pictures I believe were painted from what they were viewing at that moment. To have this connection spawning your imagination is something that I think everyone should experience whether it be your own or another countries history. There were paintings and porcelain that looked like it was done yesterday that was 4000 years old. There where 3 pieces in there that China is trying to claim and get back one is a giant couldrant with the most amount of inscription known on any artifact located with in, explaining the current emperors reign. The other two are interesting one is a giant piece of jade carved into cabbage and the other is a rock carved to look like a slab of meat......

After the museum we boarded our huge tourist bus that made me feel somewhat important and headed off to see north east Taiwan. WOW!!!! you really need to look at the pictures to understand the lush vegetation amazing rock formations and beautiful and powerful ocean. We hiked around here for awhile and than were treated to dinner which of course was a sea food specialty. Now I am not one that is a huge fan of random sea creatures on my plate but I ate and I ate and I should not have let people see me pick a little bit because than they just kept bringing me food I suppose I am the white beast or maybe the 'Homer' of the table haha. I think I even had sea cucumber or at least that's what I am telling myself because it could probably be way worse.

I really feel like I am leaving things out, but can not think of anything else really to share. I think I need to keep a better record of the details while I rip around cuz I know there were moments I thought 'damn I need to share this' but I guess for now these memories are locked away somewhere.

Oh I guess I could tell you how I had to rip my garbage apart today after looking for my room key and hospital security card for an hour DAMN IT!! I looked everywhere had no idea and my last option was yup look in the garbage and voila......I will keep a better watch on.....hmmm I wonder where it is now actually.....well i guess I should look for it, after all I have to be in the hospital at 8:30 tomorrow so no time to look in the morning.

Because I kind of like leaving everyone on these notes here is something else for you reading pleasure 'The great man is he who does not lose his child's heart'

Until next time I hope all is well,


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