Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Day 7

Ni hao Jianada ren,

Whats good my fellow Canadians?
I feel I should start today by saying how unfortunate it is that you have so much snow on this fall day, and to follow that sentence need I say its so hot here I have heat rash on my arms. Damn it should not have worn long sleeve shirt to the market.

Now that we have that out of the way I will continue on for any who didn't know use choice words towards me and close this page.

Well today I decided to follow along with some cosmetic treatments being that I think it would be beneficial to see and know some information on. The Doctor that I followed today specialty is weight loss and that is all she treats. I must admit it was somewhat interesting and the results were really great, most clients (I saw around 40) were losing 2-4 kilo's per week. The treatment itself is the same for everyone however the herbs can change somewhat depending on any health conditions or complications.

I found it very amusing that for the last hour of treatments we kept discussing with the nurses and other doctors what type of pizza we were to order from pizza hut for lunch. We even had the menu out on the table in front of patients there for weight loss I found it really mean hahaha but hey I like pizza so whatevs. finally lunch came and yes we did have pizza hut, again we ate it in the clinic making the whole place smell deliciously like food for the patients to come after lunch hahaha. The pizza was pretty much the same except for the Japanese octopus one which I had a slice of and choked down slowly with lots and lots of pop.

In the afternoon my self and two other Doctors went down to old Taipei where we visited a herbal clinic and got to look at and discuss about 130 raw herbs including deer penis, which as one of my teachers likes to say 'puts lead in your pencil' haha. It was actually really cool and I have pictures of everything that I will load and catagorize at another time.

After school was done I met up with the Crazy poluck and the nice Taiwanese person and two other people from different countries that used couchsurfing to meet people. They were nice but a tad odd. We went to have some food first and I had a traditional Taiwanese dish that is made out of a gluten like substance that is made of rice with some meets cooked inside it topped with gravy, I suppose it kind of tasted like sheppards pie if you get over the texture. I also ordered fish ball soup as I enjoyed it in dan shui but it was not very tasty here and thick and slimy.

We than went over to longshen temple which was absolutly amazing!! I got to educate everyone on the importance of entering the temple via the right side(dragon) and exiting the left side(tiger) all based on the flow of qi and my guides was very impressed, which is always good to show your interest while in other peoples cultures. I felt extremely bad for taking pictures in here however it had to be done, I did keep my flash off tho in hopes that it showed some respect to those there for prayer. I wish I could explain the feeling and energy within these walls, I think I may return tomorrow night or sometime in the near future to sit and write It really has an energy like not many other places. I believe it has to do with so many peoples intentions and pure honest non corrupted thoughts combining together in one area. The religion is not important but the faith and intentions is what brings this type of energy to life. The human mind has strength with intention and this intention gives strength to the human mind, I believe this is like the yin/yang theory of cycle and interchanging energy.

After leaving longshen temple we went to snake alley, this is a famous night market that I felt I had to visit but did not enjoy very much. Here you can get many fake things from vendors as well as of course snake soup complete with blood and all. Everywhere I looked where snakes in cages and I came across de-shelled turtles laid on there back waiting to die, it was extremely disturbing and this is all I wish to speak about regarding some of what I saw. We got to the end of the alley and there was a booth where they gave massage with sharp meat cleavers, WTF!!! One of the people I was with decided to give it a try and said it was great, maybe I will try sometime but wasn't into paying someone to hack me up. We continued on our journey's walking to Xi Men which is like a trendy young people area, of course it was busy and neat to see but not much to do. There was this old guy who did really cool shit by cutting out your portrait from construction paper, It really didn't take him long and he was really good at it. My friend got hers done for free cus he was sweet on here haha but that's cool I got to see him in action.

Oh ya I did by a murse(man purse) today haha I swore I would never in a million years get one but damn it I need one I caved and you know what I FRIGGIN LOVE THE DAMN THING. Grunt Grunt Grunt.......

Anyways other than this I just headed home, I may update this as I feel I have missed out on things but it is late and I can't think. I do want to add tho that I believe almost everyone here owns a dog, and they will ride around on there mopeds with the dogs just chilling, it's pretty darn cute.

Well here's to hoping the Flames win the game today after there embarrassing loss yesterday!!I think I get to do more sight seeing tomorrow so I will tell ya all about it later! I hope my cubital crease rash(don't worry its just from heat, it was after all like 30 today) from hell is gone by the morning and those damn bites on my hand well yup there still there, but I still have my hand...

your quote for the day,
"Every artist was first an amateur"
Never give up on something you love, you must start somewhere!!

Zai Jian!!

1 comment:

Holly said...

I can hardly wait to see the man purse, lol