Thursday, October 8, 2009

Day 2

Do Do Do Do Dooo Do Do Di Do Do Do......sorry about that I have the garbage man song stuck in my head. To clarify that yes the garbage trucks play songs that make me want to run out and order Ice cream, and I think they just circle my block continously! Do DO DO DO DI DO least I know they are doing there job.

So today, where to start? I showed up at the hospital early as I was excited and wanted to get a jump on things, Imagine me a morning person???? Asia really is backwards!! The office was not open yet so I was brought for breakfast and told it would be put on my allowance?!? Allowance I thought to myself, could it get any better? Well I later found out I did not have an allowance and was presented with the bill for breakfast and had to repay it(I should have skipped the tea I guess)

The morning was very boring. The Doctor that I followed around did not speak English and of course I do not speak Chinese, unless you want me to count to 10. I basically sat back and watched him do stuff trying to stay awake. The needling aspect was interesting as He would needle right through the clothes and I watched him treat probably 15 people(needle time not intake time) in under 10 mins. To give perspective to this in Canada we treat maybe 2 people an hour. He used no guide tubes but would swab the clothes in a straight line down the back even if he was needling the legs(at least he swabbed).

My afternoon was waaaaaay better. The Doctor I had spoke great english, and I was right next to him through the entire intake, pulse, tongue, and diagnosis. We treated around 30 people in the afternoon, and this is where I saw so many different things. There was one teenager who had severe brain damage on the left side of his brain, when he first was coming in he was completely non-responsive but recovered very fast and is now completely coherent. I saw two stroke patients both had aphasia (inability to speak) and both were able to respond at this point of treatment. An amazing thing that was noticed was with complete rigidity of the digits(the fingers were completely contracted and claw like with the inability to extend) after inserting one needle into TW 5 which is just posterior to the dorsal wrist crease the patients hands became completely relaxed to the point where I could bend the fingers straight back with no tension or restriction, this was an amazing and drastic change in just seconds. There are many many things I could talk about that I saw today but the last one I want to mention was the renal failure. The creatinine levels of the patient were up near 3.0 which is extremely high, after continued treatments the patients levels have decreased to 1.8 and have been maintained at these levels. Sorry I forgot that this was a public blog and got carried away in the amazement of some of the things I saw today. Unfortunately you the reader will have to endure the odd paragraph of medical mubo jumbo, I do however hope this information intrigues you and entertains you slightly!

Moooooooving on.........I had dinner with the Medical Directors of the hospital tonight at this very fancy restaurant, We were the only table in there I must admit I felt extremely important. The menu was great and of course food just kept on coming, I was always served first and there was a few things that I had to wait and see how it was eaten yet I impressed all with my chopstick mastery. Of course I made a classy mistake after drinks were poured I dove in to quench my thirst, moisten my lips, hell its hot here I needed a drink....well I got a look from everyone as they rose there glasses to cheers....oops my bad but hey it was only tea I have never 'cheersed' tea before. The dinner was great I had jelly fish and a spicy chicken dish and fish with crispy soy on top(sounds weird, wasn't, tasted amazing) sweet and sour pork, a beef dish, a tofu dish that really just resembled flat noodles, big shrimp deep fried and hard to eat...there was more but at this moment I can not remember. I was lucky to have had very attractive young lady to accompany us to dinner being that she is the only one who spoke English we talked through the entire meal, I tried not to flirt as she is in charge of looking after everything for me here but I must admit it was hard to refrain and after all its after business hours right. Wow the persuasion of the female sex, apparently I have agreed to try stinky tofu this week damn it I started off with 100 percent no but woman have a way with me and next thing I knew I was saying yes of course I will eat stinky tofu......yet I couldn't convince her to have a rice porridge WTF really? Yes I am a sucker!! I bet you can't wait to read about stinky tofu day hahaha.

Well thanks for reading today's latest updates I think I am going to go outside and join the Garbage truck the stray dogs and maybe see what kind of music we can make........Do Do Do Do Doooo Di Di Do Do Dooooooooooo

Oh I forgot to mention One of the Doctors and Teachers is going to create more lectures specifically for me giving me one on one training!! how friggin cool is that?!?

1 comment:

Steve said...

Glad too see the grammar issue has been fixed (a lot less re-reading on my part, so...thanks for that.) You're right, cant wait for "stinky tofu day" keep us posted man;I mean hell, you never know what a woman can persuade a man into until your eating funky smelling food (and that's just her first ring of trials.) Stoked to hear your finding time to keep us all in the loop, thus, enabling the masses to live vicariously though you!