Friday, October 9, 2009

day 3

GOOD MORNIIIIING TAIWAN? hmm doesn't have the same ring to it but I still think it feels awesome to say! So I have started to accept the fact that I think I absolutely love this place MR. I want to move to BC where things are calm and easy going has fallen for a city of millions, I guess sometimes we need that crazy mistress on the side.

So I didn't write last night as I was to lazy tired and maybe a lil buzzed to get on the computer and explain my adventures of trying to find a place to drink in this town, rest assured after 3 hours we found a place and I will tell you all about it later. But first the boring stuff :)

Well the hospital today was not as interesting it was very very busy in the morning so the Doctor and I were not able to discuss as much of the CC that were being brought in by the patients. However I have noticed that are department Tx's a lot of stroke victims which is really interesting. We also had 3 other interns in there today which made it very crowded but I can't be greedy we all need to learn....WAIT YES I CAN THIS IS MY EDUCATION STOP CRAMPIN MY STYLE.....ok I feel better now and I don't completely mean that.

Well I was done school around 2 today and thought to myself 'self you need to go on an adventure' so I came back to the room got my self prepared to get lost in Taipei and luckily ran into some fellow Doctors also going into the city so I was able to get shown how to do things. This is good I think that may have been a critical error I would most likely still be wandering the streets yelling MARCO waiting for a POLO response. We took the ghetto bus which is awesome as it has TV's in it playing weird cartoons and arrived at the subway in about 5 to 10 mins. Oh the subway what an amazing site it is HUGE and I mean huge in a Godzilla to Bambi kinda way. At this point the 4 of us looked at each other and it was known 'if we get lost we get lost together' and with that i responded 'power in numbers, let the adventures begin' and boy did they ever.

First stop Electronic Mall, this place is a massive mall with a million stores of just electronics, and yes Laura(are you excited I am talking about you) I am going to have to bring Aaron here at some point. We walked around and realized that electronics are actually cheaper in Canada or at least from this mall they are.

I needed to go to the street market to find a phone that works here as My BB is locked, damn cooperate greed not letting me access the network with a foreign phone. We walked around towards the MRT(subway) finding lil markets everywhere so we looked and looked and found nothing. It seems every alley has a market of food so I did however try this random thing from a street vendor that tasted like a crispy crape outside and in the middle was filled with a red bean and sweat sauce, it was pretty good I suppose you can see it in my pictures.

After hours of walking(trying to find a phone) all we wanted was beer do you think we could find a place for beer? nope!!! we started asking people and just walking, we ended up walking past I believe 3 stations until we found these Gucci gangsta looking guys and decided to ask them, I was astonished they spoke perfect English(I was also astonished at the amount of white kids I saw but couldn't bring myself to ask them, apparently I am easily amazed)We finally were in the right direction but do you think we found it?? NOPE. Luckily we found this lil corner restaurant that was covered in Heineken flags and girls in lil green dresses and I knew the heavens were shining down on us, well deserved beer was to ensue. Did I mention in all this walking for beer we may have slightly got lost? remember 'if we get lost we get lost together'!!

We had an awesome dinner with fish and chicken and beef and that random vegetable I keep talking about that I don't know what it is....I do however believe it is the only vegi out here as it is all I have seen, it better be good for me!!! I was amazed that we ate many dishes had 4 of those large bottles of beer and it only came to 780 Taiwan dollars between 4 people which is about 26 dollar or 6.50 each...WOW.
Now we were fed and buzzed and ready to get wasn't that bad as long as you stay out of the way of the scooter people your fine. I did almost get hit a few times its friggin nuts out here!!!! I say a little prayer every time I have to cross the street. Well we finally made it home, I feel like I need more beer but after 6 hours of walking I think I need a break.

All in all it was an amazing adventure, saw tons of Taipei filled with lights scooters and fireworks. I was able to use my minimal Chinese at some points which of course made me look and feel great even if it was just simple words. I experienced the crazyness off massive roads with no direction or organization...and at the end of the night after a bit of debating I saw the tip of the Taipei 101. Still did not make it to any main night market but will soon. Today I am off to the city of Dan shui which I lived in as a child, this should be an interesting time! I am really starting to love this country! Well folks until next time thanks for checking in its time that I hit the town....GOOD MORNIIIIIING TAIWAN.....yup still feels great :)

P.S I forgot to mention I got bit by some random bug and my hand is getting alil crazy. I think now that it has been a few days it may be a chinese misquito but we shall see, stay tuned

P.S.S I found bettle nut today, I think I will have to try this, If you don't know what it is look it up haha

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