Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Day 1

I arrived early this morning after along over night flight to Taipei. Upon arrival I just missed a typhoon and was able to fly over top of it was an amazing thing to see with the thickness and formations of the clouds.

I was dropped off at my room and left to fend for myself, I did not know where anything was but found another student who showed me to the office. I found a 711 where I was able to buy some food (chicken and rice meal for like 2 bux!) as I do not yet trust the street vendors or maybe I didn't trust my skills and trying to order unkown substances. I also did not venture far from the hospital as traffic is scary and I didn’t want to get run over just yet, but I did walk around a few blocks locating all 23 7-11's around me. I came back to my room determined to stay awake, watched the hockey game.......Flames for the win against Montreal!! And than fell asleep around 3 damn disobedient eyelids just had to close. Tonight my friend and her family which I lived with here when I was 10 came and picked me up took me to get a cell phone and than food. I told them I would try anything, and than saw what the street vendors had to offer, at that moment I almost ran!

we went to a small night market where we found alil place to eat. We sat at a table on the side of the street and they kept bringing food. I had fish egg with white mayo looking sauce on top of it, I did not like this dish but was determined to try everything. This fish egg was the size of a normal egg in slices ODD! I also had raw fish, squid that was good, a chicken dish I really loved with chilli peppers and peanuts, a soup with clams in it that really just tasted like ginger broth, and a grilled squid plate again with ginger was actually tasty. The vegi dishes were good but I have no idea what kind of vegi’s they were. Oh and there was a fried fish dish too that was pieces of fried fish with the finn on it looked like just the backs, it was good but normal just like fish. I think I start clinic tomorrow and it is 11 now so I will end this. Hope tomorrow goes good!!! I have no idea what to expect.

1 comment:

chris said...

Sorry for the terrible grammer I am exhusted and lazy......